
Monday, September 6, 2010

Identity 05 drafted

I wrapped up "Ashes" last night, about two months and two weeks since the end of "Monsters and Demons." That's a little slower than the pace I'd set for the last few chapters, but on the whole, not so bad. I spent two weeks or so writing chapter three of "Before and After," so it's still a decent clip, and if I hadn't done that, I'd have finished this chapter two weeks ago and not had to push some things back. I don't regret doing that, though--at the time, I was really stumped and needed a change of writing scenery.

In other news, the draft of act four, "Scars," is on the Fanfiction Forum, where if you like, you can give some feedback on the chapter before I revise it for the final posting. I've been looking for a more collaborative writing environment for a while, and TFF has a reasonably populated Ranma section, so we'll see how that works.

Of course, no rest for the weary--the next chapter of Identity, "The Battle of Phoenix Mountain," demands to be written, and at the pace I've been writing, I spose I expect book one to be finished sometime in January. Then I'll have to take a break and do some restructuring of book two. So that's the plan. See everybody Friday for "Scars."

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